Strategexe 2.0

This is a story about a second chance.

I started a consulting company in 2009 that eventually became a marketing agency called Strategexe.

The company was acquired by another marketing agency, SA Creative, in December 2013.

One of the things I was most sad about during the acquisition process was transferring the name Strategexe to the new owner.

Strategexe is a came I came up with to highlight what I love to help clients do:

  • Create impactful STRATEGies
  • EXEcute with tactics that align with the strategy


In late 2018 I reached out to the person who currently had the rights to the Strategexe domain name, and I asked if he was doing anything with it anymore. He said no, and I asked him if he would be willing to sell it back to me. 

He said YES!

I was elated and immediately registered the business name with the state.

As I pursued other business interests, not much happened with the brand for a few years.

In late 2020 during the craziness of the COVID pandemic, casual conversations were happening with a close friend who needed some help with marketing.

I began officially working for his company as a Fractional Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) in January 2021.

Since that time, Strategexe has been blessed to serve more than twenty companies across the country. 

We have grown primarily via word of mouth and haven’t done much branding or advertising.

That changes now.

We have decided to engage marketing Strategexe primarily to “practice what we preach.” We feel that it is important to lead with action. Our internal teams are now treating the Strategexe brand just like any other client.
Another goal is to share our perspectives about leveraging marketing to build a business.

I am grateful for the opportunity to serve people with the Strategexe brand again! 

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